Thursday, January 9, 2014

Crockpot Carnitas

This has been one loooong, & tough week for me! Work has been very busy & our patients have been driving me insane. Thankfully, I have my workout classes and sangria to kill my stress... I have been slacking on my posts, but I haven't stopped cooking!
Monday I prepped the meat to make the carnitas so I could start up the crockpot Tuesday morning before work. Crockpot meals are so great if you don't have a lot of time for cooking, especially if you work & have kids. One of my favorite meals to cook in a crockpot is beef stroganoff, I'll have to post that one some time.

For the carnitas:
I poured the chicken broth into the pot

I rubbed salt/pepper, cumin, oregano, and ancho chili powder on some pork loin. I cut up half of an onion & smashed some garlic cloves. Threw it all in the pot then let it sit overnight.

Tuesday morning I started the crockpot at 7am and came back this:

I took the meat out and laid it out on a pan to broil for a couple of minutes in the oven.

I thought to use these "healthier" tortillas... It's always good to replace something each day with a healthy item. They were pretty good, but nothing will ever beat a buttery fattening flour tortilla!

I bought this local salsa a few months ago & finally got to try it out. It was good, and very spicy! I really like to by local products because a lot of the people who make these foods really put a lot of thought into their ingredients.

Tada! And this is the final product. The tacos were really great, & I was happy to know my dinner was 90% finished when I got home from the gym.

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