Monday, January 6, 2014

Garlic Chicken & Potatoes

What a Monday... All I could think about is what to cook tonight. So I looked around at a couple easy quick dishes to make at lunch. Most of the time I like to base what to make off of what I have at home because I hate to waste. I knew I had potatoes that were going to go bad soon so here it is...
I used our new peeler today & it's pretty dangerous, but very efficient. I kinda sorta peeled up the potatoes. Mostly where there were a lot of darker spots.
Then I thought, why not add some bacon?

I threw it all into a baking dish and drizzled a little bit of oil, then cracked some salt and pepper in. Tossed it all together & put it in the oven at 425 degrees.
I chopped up some garlic, probably a little more than what I needed but, I love garlic. I also chopped up some parsley I had leftover in the fridge.

I put a little bit of oil in a pan, & just barley browned it before I took it off the heat. Garlic is so easy to burn and it can really ruin a dish.

So once the pan was off the burner I added a little bit of brown sugar, red pepper flakes, and lime.

After the potatoes were in the oven for about 5-10 minutes I took them out so I could add some thinly sliced chicken breast. I seasoned the chicken with salt and topped it off with the garlic mixture. Then I let it sit in the oven for another 25-30 minutes.

And then finally, we ate!

I started to workout today... I haven't really been in my normal rhythm since early fall and I am determined to get back on track. I can definitely feel my body is more tired at an earlier time tonight. But cooking and working out are my two favorite things to do. I'm hoping this week goes by fast. Goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty sure I have that exact same peeler, and yes it gets scary sometimes! :)

    I love seeing how you make these recipes! I made greek roasted veggies and chicken legs last night. It was so so so good. I must make it again and share the recipe. Good luck with your workouts! Since I did the insanity last year I am trying out the T25 workouts this year. Already on week 2!!

    Keep posting!!! You inspire me! <3
