Saturday, January 4, 2014

Pizza Friday/ Saturday Morning

Yesterday I stopped by SPROUTS to pick up a few things after work. And one of those things was a Basil plant. I have always wanted a bunch of plants/herbs in my kitchen, so I'm starting now.
Once I saw that basil plant at the grocery, I immediately thought about pizza. So I started gathering ingredients for toppings. Once I got home, I didn't just want to make the normal pizza dough we regularly use so, I made a whole wheat dough.
After making this dough, I think Sunday I'm going to bake a whole wheat loaf for the week.
Once the dough was almost done rising, I started the pizza sauce. I had been researching different sauces to make and I ended up mixing a couple of different recipes together.
The pizza sauce came out really good, I was very happy because it was my first time making my own.
All you do is mix all the ingredients together in a sauce pan, then season to taste.

tomato puree
chicken broth
garlic powder
onion powder
Italian seasoning
dried oregano

We usually like to use fresh mozzarella, but I ended up trying whole milk mozzarella cheese. It was good cheese, but fresh mozzarella can never be beat! I also found a salami that was uncured Italian dried, & it was tasty. Last, but not least, I just had to use my fresh basil. After I put the pizza in the oven, I wondered why I didn't make a basil sauce! I'll definitely make that sauce soon.

The crust was nice and crispy. I was worried about it being soggy towards the center. Thankfully the pizza was a success. Pizza once a week does the body good... I need to start looking up different toppings so we can have a good variety of pizza recipes.


This morning I had a pistachio muffin for the first time. It was pretty good, a little too sweet for me but, the coffee balanced it out. Made me realize that I should start baking sweets, even though baking doesn't come very easily to me, I do want to get better at it.

I am behind on this series, but my husband and I are on season 6 of Dexter. It really is a good show, and very addicting. I'm glad it's all on Netflix so I don't have to stop watching it! We will probably be done with the series mid next week. I'm not sure what I will do!
Later on today we went to Kirkland's to buy more house décor. We really need to start looking into buying more furniture but we will get there.
We got a memo board, I though it looked really cute to hang up. I just need to figure out where to put it! I'll make sure we pin on lots of nice things on this board. 
Have a safe night!

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